




2003-2007:  中国海洋大学英语系(学士)。

2007-2010:  中国海洋大学英语系外国语言学及应用语言学专业(硕士)。

2010-2012:  青岛理工大学琴岛学院公共英语教学部,大学英语教师、助教。

2012-2015:  烟台大学大学外语教学部,助教、讲师。

2015-2019:  同济大学英语系外国语言学及应用语言学专业(博士)。

2017-2018:  德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(The University of Texas at Austin)国家高水平公派(博士联合培养)





[1] 2020—Guo, Katila & Streeck: Touch and the Fluctuation of Agency and Motor Control in Pediatric Dentistry [J]. Social Interaction: Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality. (Special Issue of Trajectories of Human-to-human Touch in Institutional Setting). 

[2] 2019—郭恩华、李修江: 体裁混合研究刍议-冲突与融合[J]. 山东外语教学.

[3] 2019—张德禄、郭恩华: 多模态话语分析的双重视角—社会符号观与概念隐喻观的连接与互补[A].田海龙、潘艳艳(编)《多模态话语分析:理论探索与应用研究》。北京航空航天大学出版社.

[4] 2019—张德禄、郭恩华:体裁混合综合分析框架探索[J]. 中国外语.

[5] 2018—郭恩华、李秀香译: 修辞的功能与形式-巴里•布鲁梅特[J].当代修辞学. 

[6] 2018—郭恩华:多模态投射的社会行为基础-以儿童牙科医患手术互动为例[J].解放军beat365学报. 

[7] 2017—郭恩华、张德禄: 基于会话分析的多模态交际研究探索[J]. 北京第二beat365学报.

[8] 2016—王文强、郭恩华: 残雪作品的海外传播[J].外文研究.

[9] 2013—张德禄、郭恩华: 多模态话语分析的双重视角—社会符号观与概念隐喻观的连接与互补[J]. 外国语.


[1] 2020—Zhigang Yu, Enhua Guo and Zhanting Bu: <book review> The Routledge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics [J]. Functions of Language. (SSCI/A&HCI 通讯作者).

[2] 2019—Enhua Guo & Zhang Delu: <book review> Hybridity in Systemic Functional Linguistics - Grammar,  Text and Discursive Context (by D, Miller & P, Bayley) [J]. Australian Journal of Linguistics, 39:1, 139-142. (SSCI/A&HCI). 

[3] 2018—Ruihua Zhao & Enhua Guo: <book review> Challenging Boundaries in Linguistics - Systemic  Functional Perspectives [J]. Australian Journal of Linguistics (SSCI/A&HCI). online.

[4] 2017—Enhua Guo: <book review> Introducing Multimodality (by Carey Jewitt, et al.) [J]. Social Semiotics,27:5, 693-695. (SSCI)

[5] 2016—Enhua Guo: <book review> Interactions, Images and Text-A Reader in Multimodality (by Norris, et   al.) Multimodal Communication.


[1] 2019, June 9 -14: Enhua Guo, Julia Katila & Jürgen Streeck - The 16th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA)- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University -Touch in the Management of Roles and Emotions: A Study of Pediatric Dentistry.  

[2] 2019, Oct. 1-7. Enhua Guo. The 3rd International Forum of Multilingualism and Globalization - The University of Wisconsin-Madison. Exploring Dental Fear and Anxiety among Kids: A Sino-U.S. Comparative Research on Multimodal Interactions in Pediatric Dentistry

[3] 2018, Nov. 2-4:Enhua Guo, Wen Hu & Mengying Qiu - 第二届多模态与特殊人群话语多学科研究求索论坛(同济大学): Exploring Touch in Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis. 

[4] 2018, July 14: Julia Katila, Enhua Guo & Jürgen Streeck - The 5th International Conference of Conversation Analysis (ICCA) – Loughborough University (UK) - Fear, Touch and Interactional Control in Dentist’s Office.

[5] 2018, April 7-8: Enhua Guo & Katie Bradford- The 24th Annual Conference on Language, Interaction, and Culture(CLIC)- UCLA (Los Angeles)-“Exploring Fear and Affiliation in Pediatric Dentistry: A Microethnographic Study of Dental Clinics in China and the United States”.

[6] 2017, Aug. 16-19: Enhua Guo - 第十五届全国语用学研讨会暨第九届中国逻辑学会语用学专业委员会年会(北京师范大学):Affect Exchange in Dentist-patient Surgical Interactions -- a Multimodal Perspective.


[1] 2016年:《新思维大学英语视听说教程3》(学生用书+教师用书)- “十二五”普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材。编写样课单元。外文出版社。